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Metropolitan Natural Park Trails

Metropolitan Natural Park Trails

For lovers of hiking and outdoor walks, the Metropolitan Natural Park Trails located in Panama City is the ideal place to experience firsthand the wildlife that can be found in the tropical rainforests of Panama.

Metropolitan Natural Park Map

Here is a list of the different trails in the Metropolitan Natural Park:

1. «Los Momótides» Trail

  • Distance: 0.7 Km. (0.4 miles)
  • Approximate time: 45 minutes
  • Difficulty: easy
  • This trail was named after the Blue-crowned Momot, a beautiful and special bird that frequents this site. It is short and easy, making it ideal for visitors with limited time or for those who have difficulty climbing slopes. Please be careful when crossing the road to access this trail.
  • We recommend this trail to those who want to take young children with them because it is very accessible. This trail is located in front of the offices where the Administrative Headquarters operates.
  • The walk can be done in a short period as it is only 900 meters long. Here you can appreciate a diversity of flora and fauna species that makes the notion of time imperceptible.

2. «Los Caobos» Trail

  • Distance: 1.1 Km. (0.7 miles)
  • Approximate time: 1 hour
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • This trail in the Metropolitan Natural Park is named after the well-known mahogany tree. Specimens of this majestic tree can be seen along the route. Some parts of the trail have steep slopes and can become slippery during the winter. At its highest point, there is a window within the forest that allows you to see parts of Panama City and the bay.
  • This trail is also about 900 meters long and was established in 1995. It is classified as moderately difficult. In 2004, it joined forces with the Cleveland Metroparks Park in Ohio and participated in the «Canal to Canal: Panama-Ohio Migratory Bird Trail» project, which seeks not only to educate but also to promote global environmental awareness, imitating the attitude of the migratory birds found in both parks in a fraternal relationship. It is an area that enjoys spectacular beauty.

3. «El Roble» Trail

  • Distance: 0.7 Km. (0.4 miles)
  • Approximate time: 25 minutes
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Along the way, you can find a beautiful oak tree that gave it its name. The oak tree is covered with beautiful lilac flowers that can be seen from afar. This trail connects the visitor center with the entrance to the La Cienaguita trail.
  • The El Roble Trail of the Metropolitan Natural Park is 700 meters long and is a connecting path between the Visitor Center and two other trails: the La Cienaguita Trail and the Camino del Mono Tití Trail. The Park has 192 hectares covered with tropical rainforests. Among the forest species of the place you can appreciate species such as «espavé», «indio desnudo», «cuipo», «barrigón» and «corotú»; as well as timber species such as mahogany and cedar, and other species that are part of the diet of the park’s fauna, such as the higerón, the «jobo» and various palms.
  • The Park has an artificial lagoon built to guarantee a permanent and safe source of water throughout the year, especially in the summer. Many visitors come with the interest of learning first-hand about the 284 plant species and 322 animal species that make up the natural population of this tropical ecological paradise.
  • This park has become one of the last refuges for the species that inhabit the forest and shows a vegetation that acts as a transition from a humid tropical forest to a dry tropical forest. It can be said that the dry forests of the Pacific have been extinguished by the hand of man, so the Metropolitan Natural Park presents a challenge by making the authorities join forces for the conservation and preservation of wildlife.

4. «La Cienaguita» Trail

  • Distance: 1.1 Km. (0.7 miles)
  • Approximate time: 2 hours
  • Difficulty: difficult
  • In the rainy season, a small swamp forms at the entrance, which gives the trail its name. The tour can be done with a self-guide that can be purchased in English or Spanish at the visitor center.
  • This trail is located near the park ranger station and was established in 1987. Many visitors make the tour by combining the «Camino del Mono Tití» trail with the «La Cienaguita» trail since they join at one point. Those who usually combine these tours suggest that when doing the complete tour, you should first climb «Cerro Cedro» and then take the «La Cienaguita» Trail down.

The Metropolitan Natural Park is the only forest of this magnitude and biological wealth in all of Latin America.

5. «Camino del Mono Tití» Trail

  • Distance: 1.7 Km. (1.1 miles)
  • Approximate time: 2 hours
  • Difficulty: moderate

The «Camino del Mono Tití» Trail is named after the small titi monkey, which can be seen frequently along the trail in the Metropolitan Natural Park. It is used as a trail and as an access road for the park’s administrative staff. This is the only trail where you can run or ride a bicycle. When you reach the highest point of the trail, you will have a beautiful panoramic view of Panama City, the Canal, and two national parks. It is also a good trail for bird watching.

More info:

  • The trail allows you to ascend to the summit of «Cerro Cedro» and enjoy two viewpoints: one is 135 meters above sea level, and the other is 150 meters above sea level. This is the second largest hill in the city, after «Cerro Ancón», which has an altitude of 199 meters.
  • This is the opportunity to have spectacular panoramic views of both the modern part with its skyscrapers, and the old town, the Bridge of the Americas, the Albrook airport, «Cerro Ancón», the islands of «Naos», «Flamenco» and «Perico», Taboga and Taboguilla. From there, you can also see the Camino de Cruces National Park and the Soberanía National Park.
  • When you visit the viewpoints, you can take a break and have a drink on the benches provided. Remember to deposit your garbage in the bins.
  • At an approximate height of 105 meters, visitors can use a structure built especially for bird watching. This structure is called the Mirador Los Trinos. The best times to see birds are at 6:00 a.m. or 4:30 p.m. as these birds take advantage of the cooler temperatures. Up to 227 species of birds have been counted in the Park, 45 of which are migratory.


  • Bring water and snacks.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and watch for wildlife.
  • Stay on the trail.
  • In rainy weather, protect yourself from mosquito bites with repellent.
  • If you have allergies, bring your medication and be aware of potential triggers.
  • Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and footwear for the trail conditions.
  • Minimize noise to enhance your chances of spotting wildlife.
  • Be cautious on the trail, especially in areas with loose footing.
  • Respect the environment and dispose of your trash responsibly.

Source: parquemetropolitano.org


    Map of the Metropolitan Natural Park trails